Nutraceuticals and functional feeds for cattle

The world has now produced more than twice as much milk and beef meat as 50 years ago. Nowadays, bovine production systems will come under increased pressure from population growth, urbanization, and climate change. The dairy and meat industries will increase production and safety through modernization and specialization. Improvements in genetic selection will lead to cattle lines that are healthier, produce milk/ meat more efficiently, and are more disease and heat resistant. In order to express the genetic potential of cattle, expertise, appropriate feeding and management are required.

Raizup Nutrition Care provides a range of complementary feeds that help calves, cows and steers during critical phases.

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Sustainable levers of performance

LACT’UP focuses on the start of lactation, a critical stage in the cow’s life.
Our products support the metabolism of the cow during the switch from gestation to lactation. They also focus on the dry-off process when udders are subjected to a huge stress.

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